My Huge Market Niche - 75,000,000 Retiring Baby Boomers!
So, for people who have found that “Retiring” into a life of sitting around talking about the "good old days, and their past "I used to be" life they once lived, or "playing golf", or "traveling for the rest of your life", simply doesn't appeal to them, perhaps “Un-Retirement” and “New Beginnings” might be just the thing to get the excitement back into life.
If you are a soon to be retiring "Baby Boomer", who may have held a dream for years to become an entrepreneur, and start your own business, now you have that opportunity. Perhaps you might want to continue using the experience and knowledge you gained during your career in the corporate world, to start, develop, and grow your own personal business, independently of the large corporation and without being supervised constantly by people called “managers”.
Or perhaps you're younger, and have observed Corporate America, perhaps through the struggles your parents endured every day of their careers, and have simply concluded that you don't want to become embedded in the politics of the corporate world.
Personal entrepreneurship can result in the correct blend of ethically acquired wealth, growth, independence, and - FREEDOM!
My Market Niche is you - If you are: ● A "soon to be retiring" Baby Boomer. ● A retiree who finds their life is exceptionally boring sitting around the house or the garage looking desperately for something to do and people to talk to, and to add a little excitement to your life. ● You simply misjudged the cost of retiring and need to supplement your retirement income. ● Your IRA or 401-K diminished in value during an economical turn or recession. ● You are younger and you have decided that you don’t want to become immersed in the Corporate World.
Personal entrepreneurship or continued educational activities, may offer you the correct blend of wealth growth, independence, and Freedom.