Gunslinger & Pretty Boy |
Jerry Williams PCSd to the platoon in the sky on 24 November 2008.
Below is an excerpt from his eulogy which was written by Bill Sparkman and delivered by Capt. Fred.
Jim Luke
--------------------------- Jerry began this fight 3 years ago on Thanksgiving day.
I can only imagine the personal fight that went on in his mind everyday since then. A wounded Warrior, unable to fight anymore.
Now he's free and I'm sure he's already found a new audience to share his stories with.
I can't even remember the year I first met Jerry, but it was Memorial Day, had my Marine Corps and American flags flying, and like always on Memorial Day, I was sitting in my garage sipping my scotch, already half off the wall.
This red Lincoln Continental pulls into my driveway and out comes Jerry wearing his flight suit and 1st Calvary Hat, hidden behind his dark glasses. I walked out and asked "can I help you?", and he said "are you a combat veteran?" Well three hours later, and a few more scotches down my throat and at least a six pack down his, he got up, said, "I'll be right back", drove off, came back in 10 minutes with a China Post 1 application card and said, "here, fill this out!", which of course I did, and we sat down and had a few more rounds before he left.
And so it went, Jerry would disappear for a while and come back, we would have our little social events with others from CP1 in Jerry's dungeon, and the years passed.
Although I will miss Jerry and his "pain in the ass" demeanor, I am happy that his final battle on this earth is over now, and I'm sure he is delighted to have the freedom to move around as he pleases. He enjoyed Freedom and was truly a Dog Of War.
A good man has moved on.
God Bless You Jerry Man, aka Gunslinger. You were a hero up until your last breath. And Sinatra's song, "I Did It My Way!" is certainly applicable to you. You lived hard, although unfortunately not long enough for us, but the perfect amount of time for you to do your duty to your Country.
Jerry, you were a good friend! See you there Brother!