My Chosen Entrepreneurial Free Market Capitalistic Enterprises!
I decided to retain the knowledge I gained working for Corporate America, and expand on that knowledge base with "new" studies that would provide me the understanding and expertise I needed to become a Short Term / Day Trader Of The Global Equity Markets, and I also wanted to get involved in the development of products that fill product gaps and the creation of educational materials that might benefit others.
I intend to share the lessons, knowledge, and experience, that I've learned during my personal and business life, some my audience will find very interesting and helpful, some that will be boring to most people but a necessary evil and helpful.
I will use succinct self-directed and self-produced Audio and Video Products, and occasional seminars, on various and sundry subjects and lessons, that you may use as a foundation to build something that you feel will be worthwhile to you and others.
To cut the cost of production and retain the ability to sell these products at “VERY REASONABLE” COSTS to everyone, and “At Cost Plus Shipping & Handling" to Veterans/Active Duty/Retired Military/Police/First Responders; none of these products will be made in professional studios.
Nor will I focus on abundant rhetoric and redundant information.
I will produce the product using the simplest and least expensive methods I can find, and I will focus on the quick transference of information to my audience so that upon completion, they will be able to immediately use the information provided.