My Leaning Disability - Why I Started An Audio / Video Production Company
My Learning Disability - Why I Started An Independent Audio/Video Production Company
This web page is focused on my "start-up" Independent Audio and Video Production Company.
There are always reasons why choices are made. My choice is selecting this business was a personal one, that actually has a history that today I am proud of, but for the first 28 years of my life, was an embarrassment to me.
I have a learning disability that was not recognized during my primary, secondary, and college years; I could not retain information that I had just read. The words, sentences, and paragraphs that I read in a book, were never transmitted to my brains memory or analytical pathways.
As a young boy, I recognized and became aware of the learning disability, because I was living with it daily, but in the late 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's, there was little focus on, nor knowledge of the learning disabilities of school children. Students were considered either "excellent" learners, "average" learners, or "slow" learners. My report cards were notably dismal, although my "Perfect Attendance" scores were always very high.
Presenting my report cards to my parents to sign was always a dismal experience, and I'm sure that they must have questioned my level of intelligence, and what appeared to be my "stupidity", or my advanced skills as a "slow" learner.
However, unrecognized by others and even me at the time, was my abililty to quickly learn things after being given explicit visual and audio instruction. I was able to quickly learn and advance in my knowledge of how to play musical instruments, run printing presses (in addition to being a college professor, my father had a print shop where I was taught to operate the tools needed to create and produce printed products), and even manage and run a movie theatre and the projectors and other equipment used in the operation of a movie theatre, which I began doing at 15.
But God must have smiled down on me at the time, because I managed to squeak through a High School Diploma, College Diploma, and received a Commission as a Lieutenant in the Marine Corps and led troops in Vietnam. All without being able to read and retain information.
To this day, to the best of my memory, I've only read cover to cover, one book, The Adventurers by Harold Robbins, which I first read (I reread it 6 or so times) in Vietnam over a dedicated period of about 3 months.
Then one day in 1973, at the age of 28, one of the most marvelous discoveries in my life occurred.
I had been in Corporate America for 3 years after being discharged from active duty in the Marine Corps, and I checked into a Phoenix Holiday Inn. As I filled out the paperwork necessary to get a room for a night, there on the counter was an "Offering" from the hotel to rent a "New" Technology, for the evening.
I'm sure for younger people whom might be reading this, the technology I rented that night would be obsolete, and I doubt many of the young have ever even turned on what I discovered that evening.
That "New" technology was a cassette player/recorder and my choice of any cassette recording (also "New" technology), in a series called Lead The Field, featuring Earl Nightingale.
After paying $2.00 for the rental and going to my room, I plugged the cassette player in and pushed the play button.
A miracle happened in the next half hour. My brain absorbed every word Mr. Nightingale spoke and at the end of the cassette, I was literally able to repeat, almost verbatim, the motivational lessons he had just taught me. I played the cassette over and immediately went back to the front desk to rent another cassette to listen to.
I had discovered at 28, the power to overcome my learning disability; Audio Learning.
Fortunately, cassette players were a new technology and cassette programs were very few. I became a early customer of Nightingale Conant Corporation, a small business at that time, and one night while calling in to order one of their new releases, Mr. Conant himself answered the phone and took my order.
In time, as I chose to gain new knowledge about subjects not available on commercial cassette programs, like cardiovascular medicine, I would sit down with a medical book and my cassette recorder and read each chapter of the book into the recorder and at the end of the book, I would take the cassettes to my car, now equipped with at cassette player, and sit for hours listening to my own voice as I read the technical information I had recorded.
I had developed a 97% retention of everything I listened to, and that retention remained stored in my brain, forever it seems. I'm now assured that many other "Me's" are out there and can benefit from the products which I will develop and sell.
For many years I've planned to create audio and video products that would succinctly provide knowledge to people, like me, who have to depend on "listening and seeing" in order to learn.
This Web Page is Independent A/V Productions, where I develop and produce succinct audio & video educational and documentary products for sale and marketing on the internet, many of which, focused on Day Trading, will appear and be sold on this website, many of the products, niched for the business and personal knowledge of the 75,000,000 baby boomers, and will be marketed and sold on several other internet websites, including this one also.
My intention is to make this products available to my customers at prices that anyone, repeat, anyone can afford to purchase. My focus is cutting through excessive and abundant rhetoric often provided in educational products, and succinctly provide the knowledge one is initially seeking as they begin their journey on subjects. Then if they choose to continue learning a subject, they have access to unlimited knowledge on the internet and other products available that might fulfill their needs.
Coming Soon!
Post Note!
Whether you are a "soon to be retiring" Baby Boomer, or a retiree who finds that their retirement lifes exceptionally boring, and want to continue controlling your destiny by starting your own mini-business, assuring your that you will always accept the "responsibility" of being in charge of your own life; or you are younger and you have decided that you don't want to become emersed in the Corporate world, personal entrepreneurship can result in the correct blend of wealth growth, independence, and Freedom.
My Independent Audio / Video Production Company will provide the educational tools you need to assist you in the pursuit of your continued educational goals.