Education must be a continually ongoing experience, whether it is gained in universities or from the now prolific internet or from educational materials than can be acquired at little or no cost to the person who wants to learn something that might be beneficial to their futures.
For example, when I knew that retirement was like a living death to me, and I had to either "Un-Retire" or live with that living death.
I came to two conclusions, both conclusions were brick walls that I realized I had to overcome:
1. I was too old to return to the Medical Sales and Marketing Field, whose model "New" HIre was between 23 and 30. Even with the best cosmetic surgeons working in marvelous unison to return me to a youthful state, my experience and education would quickly give me away. I was simply "OLD"!
2. I had very little knowledge of the "Soul Owner" business I wanted to start, Short-Term Trading Of The Global Equity Markets. I had to invest both the time and money to learn everything I could to be successful in my "New" chosen field of endeavor and business.
Fortunately, I've had some very interesting life experiences, and because of my learning disability and the experience I gained as a trainer of sales forces throughout the world, I learned to create educational materials that could be easily understood by my audiences. I had learned to take an abundance of information from multitudes of sources, and condence it into succinct educational tools for others. And I developed the teaching skills necessary to present not only the education in audio/video formats, but I had become avery successful teacher to large audiences.
And here is my promise to my customers!
If you are interested in educational CD and DVD products that will succinctly provide you information and knowledge that might take you months, or perhaps years to learn on your own; at a price that you will find too "good" to pass up, hopefully this is your lucky day!
My goal is to provide my customers, succinct educational audio and video learning, on many diversified subjects that you will find interesting and beneficial to you, your family, and perhaps your future financial well being.
And I'm overcoming several important buying decisions up front, that should help you make an immediate decision to buy:
#1. You will feel the cost of the product is surprisingly very reasonable.
#2. If you don't feel you received your monies worth, return it to me and I'll refund your money, no questions asked. Our business relationship will end forever (I will never sell a product to you again after you express disatisfaction) and you will have your money back in your pocket.
Now, if that seems fair and interesting to you, please continue.