When I first started to build my business plan for my businesses, I had no intention of doing seminars.
My reason was simple, I had paid for and attended probably hundreds of seminars and purchased hundreds of audio and video programs since I was 28 and discovered that I had a learning disability that required me to listen to/watch educational lectures in order to simulate and retain the information I needed or wanted to learn.
And sadly, more often than not, a large percentage of them were of no value to me, in respect to my receiving my money's worth. And the money, regardless of the educational benefit, had to be spent in order for me to achieve success in learning what I desired to study. I often felt as I'm sure many of those giving the seminars that I was a sucker. But I was, in fact, simply an earnest student utilizing the only method I had to assimilate knowledge.
The worst were the stock market trading seminars, which I poured thousands upon thousands into, each time believing that at some point, if I kept purchasing their alluring educational programs, I would get the complete insight into trading that I had planned on.
Very frustrated, but with NO alternative available to me, I continued to buy the audios and videos and paid dearly to attend the next great seminar that was given.
I learned what it must feel like to so many earnest people with both need and hope and little money, to save their money and relinquish it to and be let down by someone who made promises to them that would never be fulfilled.
Without education, 90% of people will fail in their trading of the market, and the last thing I believe anyone needs is a guru to teach them.
In the end, I actually talked one of the Big Name Trading Guru's, whom I had attended several of his costly seminars, into taking $5,000 of my money in exchange for personally guiding me through the selection of stocks, technical understanding of stocks and the market, and how to actually pull the trigger going in and coming out of the position.
Which he did for several weeks of the six we contracted for, then as set with very costly positions awaiting his next insight and instruction on what to do next, he disappeared, only to reappear six weeks later to inform me, "I'm really sorry. My wife divorced me and I went off the deep end and just had to disappear"!
His disappearance had cost me a substantial amount of money, plus of course the $5,000 I had given him to hold my hand and walk me into being a successful trader.
"Gee, sorry to hear about you're wife divorcing you Mr. Guru, but it would have been nice if you could have alerted me to get out of my positions before I lost all that money!"
I quit trading, licked my wounds for a couple of years, and put all the pieces of my mistake back together again, analyzed the information I had gathered, and concluded, “I had put my trust into someone who was simply self-serving, back in perspective.
Out of curiosity, as I prepared to start my Day Trading and A/V business, I searched the internet to see what he was doing. I found him and he was doing the same thing he had been doing then.
My mind was made up at that moment. I would prepare and deliver a quality seminar product at a reasonable cost to my attendees.
And so, I will be giving seminars, but they will be very small, very affordable, and very complete. And I will never let my attendees down.
At no time will I have more than 5 people in my seminars. They will start 2 hours before the market opens, and will continue 2 hours after the market closes. Each topic I provide in my seminars will be thorough. If someone wants to pursue their working knowledge, to become an expert in that topic, I will provide them the direction to that knowledge.
Yes, there will other seminars not related to trading the stock market, like successful and aggressive selling, marketing, and others subjects that I was forced to develop an expertise in, at a very high price.
But my attendees will be rewarded for their investment in my seminars, with the knowledge they expected, or their money will be refunded and our business dealings will end permanently.
And that, my website visitors, concludes the introduction to My Seminar Production Company.