What started as a very small commitment to the Douglas County Colorado Sheriff Office Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC acts a liasons between the Sheriff Office and the Douglas County Citizens) to write a monthly article for a small publication, gradually became a larger project than originally expected as the publication expanded from 500 families to 5,000 families, and then over the months ahead expanded to 30,000 families as my articles became distributed by The Denver Post's Your Hub. I continue to do articles on the different aspects and departments of the Douglas County Sheriff Office.
But as time went by, my wife and I began envisioning what commercial aspects of Freelance Writing might produce financially, in both the old and new media. So many publications available and a need for articles on travel, business, safety, financial understanding, investigative reporting, and etc., etc., so we jumped on that opportunity and as we experience new interests and travel, we now explore what photographic (once a hobby turned "serious" clicker of photos, and writing opportunities might be interesting to write about.
What started off and remains a "volunteer" service to my organization, PSAC, has now turned into a financially motivated Freelance Business, with hopes in the future of developing a column that might be published regularly in multiple publications around the world, in exchange for money; a novel idea.
But in 2011, I was approached with two very interesting opportunities, one as a ghost writer in a collaberative effort to tell the life story of a friend whose military accomplishments during the 20th Century were both extensive and historical. And to take that written biography and turn it into a video documentary (one door opens and other doors look you in the face and say, "open me next please". I have no problem opening new doors, just to look on the other side of them.
As often happens in life, opportunites do arrise when they are totally unexpected and when this was presented to me, my wife and I started Spirit Wind Productions operating as a Division of The Reata Corporation, our once active corporation which we had made inactive in the early 2000's, was re-started in late 2011.
So, as the articles, etc., are written and published, I will excerpt them from this website.