"The People are the best judges who ought to represent them! To dictate and control them, to tell them whom they shall not elect, is to abridge their natural rights!" - Robert Livingston, Writer of The Declaration of Independence.
The Founding Fathers obviously believed Term Limits unacceptable, preferring to provide the people the Power of Their Vote to determine the length of time their representatives could serve in office.
Enough so, they left them out of The Constitution and wanted the People to use their Vote to decide who would enter the Elected Offices. However, both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, both stepped down after two terms, setting an unwritten protocol which was adhered to until Franklin Roosevelt, who ran for President 4 times. Upon his death, the 22nd Amendment was passed, limiting all future Presidents to 2 Terms In Office.
The following remarks from the citizens of Douglas County, express their feelings about 2 Term Limits being placed on The DC Sheriff and why they ENDORSE Ballot Measure 1A, extending that restriction to 3 Term Limits.
Their answers all seem to gather around the words Liberty and the Freedom of Citizens to exercise their Right To Choose the Best Candidate for Sheriff and Their Right To Elect that Candidate to office using the most powerful tool Americans have at their disposal - THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE!
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Sharon Jones Former Douglas County Treasurer
Presently On DC ProLaw Website
Mike Coffman U. S. Congressman
Mark Scheffel Colorado State Senator
J. Grayson Robinson Sheriff of Arapahoe County, Colorado
Jack Hilbert Douglas County Commissioner
Why I Endorse 1A
Dr. Michael J. Doberson Arapahoe County Coroner/Medical Examiner/Forensic Pathologist
Steve Mark Chairman, 1st Friday Parker Breakfast Club
Jeffrey Huff Mayor of Castle Pines
Cleve Tidwell 2010 Candidate U.S. Senate President of Zenbu Global Corp.
Jack O'Boyle Director of District G RTD Former Lone Tree Mayor
Frank McNulty Majority Leader & Speaker Colorado House of Representatives
Why I Endorse 1A
Carole Murray Representative of Colorado House
Why I Endorse 1A
Chris Holbert Representative of Colorado House
Why I Endorse 1A
Harold Anderson Lone Tree City Council Owner of a National Medical Business
Meghann Silverthorn Douglas County Board of Education
Tom Tancredo Former Colorado U.S. Congressman
Mike Maxwell Former Douglas County Commissioner
Why I Endorse 1A
Rick Murray Chairman of Highlands Ranch Breakfast & Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC)
Why I Endorse 1A
Aldis Sides DC GOP State Bonus Member Past President DC Republican Women Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for 600 Families
Why I Endorse 1A
David Cassiano Mayor of Parker, Colorado
Why I Endorse 1A
Jim Worley Douglas County Resident for 25 Years E-911 Board for 24 Years Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC)
Why I Endorse 1A
Steve Zotos Former DC Sheriff Sheriff Zotos Served as Sheriff from 1983 - 2003
Pat Nohavec International Business Consultant Owner, The Strategic Campaign
Steve Johnson 26 Year Resident of Douglas County
Melanie Worley Former Douglas County Commissioner (10 Years) Director of Communications for Developmental Pathways Owner of M2 Association, a Consulting Company
Why I Endorse 1A
Teri Cox Douglas County Tax Assessor
Dianne Holbert Douglas County Treasurer
Ben Cox Castle Rock Business Man Chair, Castle Rock Republican Breakfast
Rev. Larry Ziegler
Sharon Kollmar President of Castle Pines Chamber of Commerce
Kory Nelson Resident of Parker, CO. Past District Captain, Douglas County Republicans Career Prosecutor in Denver For 21 Years