Starting Phase II - Un-Retiring and Starting A New Life
The long story, shortened.
I found retirement totally unacceptable to my needs, therefore in 2009 I made some decisions about what I wanted to do in Phase II of my life; a time that a friend of mine describes as "The Last Inning".
Like others who have gone before me, as I entered Phase II (the "older than dirt stage), my personal needs had changed and my previous desire to build a large business from a start-up business, was no longer of interest to me.
But most retired business men, who have spent so much of their lives working, have a need to keep working - at something that resembles a business endeavor. Now, all I wanted in my small business endeavor was a business: 1. Where I was the only employee, with no one to answer to, but me (and of course my wife Sheila, my son Spirit the stubborn cat, my daughter Molly the welcome wagger; My 3 Bosses). 2. That could be run anywhere I happened to be at the time. 3. Which required little or no storage or inventory maintenance. 4. That would have potential for profit. 5. That would allow me to decide when and if I wanted to work and/or shut it down for days or months at a time, and returning it quickly to full capacity when "I" wanted to.
Now I'm back to work, and I have chosen 4 projects which will answer both my personal and business needs:
Business • Continuing my study and limited participation in Short-Term Trading of the Global Equity Markets. • Completing the development of many Audio/Video production ideas I had put on the back burner. •Re-entering and developing Entertainment and Song Writing Business. • Invention of and development of "Gap" products for the Consumer Product Market.
Personal • Seminars and Lectures covering topics that will hopefully enhance & motivate the lives of others.