Welcome to The Spirit Wind, supporting His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama, The Government Of Tibet In Exile, and the People Of Tibet, in hope that someday, Tibet will once again, Be Free.
Since The 14th Dalai Lama was forced into exile at the age of 16, following the invasion of Tibet by the Chinese Communist Government in 1958, over 1.3 million Tibetan Buddhist Monks and Followers, have lost their lives in an attempt to preserve their countries' Buddhist Heritage and Spiritual Beliefs, and millions more have fled and been displaced from their homeland.
This website is one man's look into Buddhism and its origins and precepts, and I will try to explain the content in language that is easy to follow.
As I studied Buddhism, I found many of the words difficult to understand. Not only were some of them written 2500 years ago, and interpreted from Sanscrit, Hindu, and Pali languages, but as Buddhism evolved and spread throughout the world, new words and insight came into play.
So this is Buddhism from a layman's point of view, and hopefully, it will enable all visitors to easily understand who Buddha was, what he discovered, and his teachings.
It is a PORTAL that will provide a myriad of knowledge on Buddhism; His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama and his diligent work to present Peace and Compassion throughout the world; and the plight of The Government Of Tibet In Exile. It is my hope that this portal into Buddhism will provide insight, understanding, and support for the diligent and peaceful work of The Dalai Lama.
All profits received from The Spirit Wind website portal, paid by its Affiliates, will be given directly to His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama, to support and carry on his wonderful work.
I hope you find the information, not only interesting, but life changing, and I hope, if you decide to learn more, you will utilize the Affiliates provided here to purchase your educational needs.
Thank you.