A Small Privately Held Investment & Asset Trading Company
Technical Analysis
During my time in Corporate America, I was employed in sales and marketing by the dedicated cardiovascular unit (company), of a diversified medical manufacturing corporation.
My days and nights were spent in hospital diagnostic, therapeutic, and recovery units, and for 30 years each of the areas where I spent my time had one thing in common, EKG Monitors which constantly provided the practitioners, nurses, or technologists, "real time" technical status reports on the patients they were responsible for.
Every second during the monitoring process of a patient, the EKG would continually change, and the staffs were trained to read the monitors looking for subtle changes in the patient that might give an immediate heads up on the patients status, whether good or bad.
Without the technical information provided by the EKG monitor, the quality of the patients care would have been compromised.
Real Time EKG Monitor
That same important information is available to the Trader who daily invests in the Global Stock Markets. "Real Time" charting can provide the Trader the same "heads up" and indicators that will alert the Trader to the "good and bad" sentiment of a specific stock and its relationship to the overall stock market, at any specific time that the stock is being monitored.
There are two ways that a Trader can evaluate a stock, moment by moment; Technical Trading Analysis used by the Short Term/Day Trader; or Fundamental Analysis, used by the Buy and Hold Trader, who prefers to study the present and projected long term health.
As I said before, in my opinion, Buy and Hold Trading is obsolete in today's global market. In a constantly changing market, trying to predict the long term feasibility of a stock is inadequate to make a successful trade, and leaves the trader with the potential of a costly loss.
Without a "real time" analytical chart available to me, I would never even consider putting a trade on.
Real Time Technical Chart
Like the EKG monitors used in hospitals, "Real Time" Analytical Trading Charts provide the Trader, sometimes subtle, sometimes not-subtle information on the second by second changes of the sentiment of the market to a specific stock, which the informed Analytical Trader can use to their advantage to enter and exit from a trade.
Without the analytical training and experience, in my opinion, the Trader is haphazardly setting themselves up for costly losses. But the analytically trained and experienced Trader can use the information available to them, to stack the odds for a successful and profitable trade, in their favor.